The world is full of choices. There are more than ever before, whether you’re buying coffee or deciding what to watch, and your degree should be no different. One of those choices is about studying online. And there are some great perks to be had when completing your degree over the internet and not on campus.

Here are 7 of the top perks to studying online.

An easy-to-share infographic is located at the bottom of this post.

Perk #1: Flexible Learning

If you’ve got a great job already, and want to learn on the side, online learning can be a great tool for self-improvement. Or maybe you’ve got a family. Your toddler can bounce on your head whenever he pleases, just log in and finish your class when you can.

Studying online gives you the flexibility to learn as you want to learn and not as your institution demands.

Perk #2: Lower Cost

That’s right: learning online costs less. There’s no transport costs, there’s no $4 lattes on the way to class, and there’s no rent if you need to move to campus. Couple that with the flexibility to take as many courses as fit your budget and the fact you are still eligible for financial aid, and you have a more affordable alternative to a traditional campus.

That doesn’t mean that online courses are any cheaper than campus-based ones, some are, some aren’t. But it does mean that all of those extra costs can be avoided and it’s those costs that can add up.

Perk #3: Learn Wherever You Want

It doesn’t matter if you’re at home with the kids, traveling the world, or sitting in your local coffee shop, you can still learn. And as classes are sent electronically, without a set time, you can complete them when you want, where you want. Flying to visit family? Study on the plane. Working during the day? Study in your bed at night, or at your kitchen table. Or in the park on a sunny summer day. The choice is yours.

Perk #4: The Perk of Being a Wallflower

You may have seen the movie or read the book. But this isn’t about making friends with seniors, it’s about interacting and whether you really want to. For introverts – or wallflowers – online courses mean you don’t need to go and interact in class, face to face. But while studies have previously shown that those who have lower interaction in class have lower scores, the same is not true when online is considered.

By providing forums and discussion pages for students, introverts can feel safe to interact. And even if they don’t, they still get the benefit, as shown by this study. Coupled with the lack of distraction physical classrooms often contain, and it’s a win/win.

Perk #5: Keep Working

One of the best perks of online degrees is the ability to keep working at your current job while you complete your course. Which is especially useful if you’re working towards a degree for work. At NAU Canada Online, you can take degrees in Business Administration, Accounting, Management and much more, all of which can be used to improve your business or gain promotion within your current company.

Perk #6: Transfer Your Credits

If you’ve studied before, you may be able to transfer those credits into your NAU Canada course, meaning you could be halfway done already! Did you start college but weren’t able to finish? Or perhaps you want to transfer to an online degree? Make sure to speak to your enrollment advisor and you may be able to transfer those credits into your new degree.

And on top of that, if you’re studying online because you have a job, you may be entitled to credits from the job. Any previous in-house training or industry-recognized certification may gain you extra credits.

Perk #7: Learn at Your Own Pace

Lastly, it is completely up to you when you finish your course online. Instead of campus degrees, where a certain number of modules need to be taken every semester, you can pick and choose which modules to study when, slowing the pace up when you need a break and speeding it up when you have the time. So if your cat throws up on the rug, there’s no stress about getting to class: just clean it up and worry about your degree afterward.

And not only does this give you freedom, it gives you financial flexibility, too. Just cut back if you cannot afford it and take a slower pace. You’ll still finish in the end.

And there we have it. Online degrees offer a lot of flexibility to students, no matter their background. So whether you’re a stay at home mom, a careerist looking to advance, fresh out of high school, or a recent arrival to the country, take advantage of the perks of online degrees at NAU Canada online and enjoy your life and your studies at the same time.

Are you ready to study online?

You can apply for undergraduate degrees at NAU Canada Online here. And you can start applying for master’s degrees right here.

If you have any questions at all – related to post secondary education that is – get in touch at 855.210.5641 or schedule a consultation. We’re happy to help!