Some of these tips may sound a little odd…

In fact, some of them are downright strange! But they’ve all been proven by science to help you learn new information, and to remember it more effectively too.

So whether you’re studying a master’s degree, an undergraduate degree, or you’re still in high school: try using these tips next time you study. And see for yourself which ones work for you!

An easy-to-share infographic is located at the bottom of this post.

1) Chew gum while you’re studying

If you chew gum while you’re learning something new, it could help you remember it better over both the short term and the long term, according to evidence from studies like this one.

Wondering why? It’s because chewing gum increases activity in the part of your brain responsible for memory (called the hippocampus). Plus, it slightly increases your heart rate which means more oxygen flows to your brain (which is a good thing!)

So there you have it – put down the ketchup flavored chips next time you study, and pick up the chewing gum!

2) Teach someone else

Whether it’s a friend, family member or even just make-believe, teaching someone else the information you’re trying to learn can help you remember it better.

Teaching someone else a topic means you have to figure out what the key point are and emphasise them. Plus, you have to organise the information in a way that’s easy to understand.

That’s why teaching someone else a topic can help you learn it more quickly and remember it better, according to research from Washington University in St. Louis.

Grab a friend, a relative, or a stranger in a coffee shop and get teaching! (Okay, maybe not that last one.)

3) Space out your learning over time

Review information periodically after you learn it the first time – it makes it more likely you’ll be able to remember it in the long term.

After you’ve learned a new topic, go over it again the next day. Then review it again 3 days later, a week later, and 21 days later. This kind of system is called “periodic review”.

And research has shown periodic review gets you much better results on tests than cramming information in a single session.

Which means when you’re making your study schedule, you should block in some time to review previous topics.

4) Eat blueberries!

Surprising as it may sound, eating blueberries can improve your short-term memory. And your long-term memory, too!

The berries contain lots of flavonoids, which are thought to strengthen the existing connections between different parts of your brain.

And that might explain why studies (like this one) show making blueberries a regular part of your diet can improve your memory recall.

Next time you need something to nibble on while you study, consider making blueberries your go-to study snack!

5) Take notes by hand

This is a suggestion you might have heard before, and it really is true: taking notes by hand can help you learn better. Especially if you’re listening to a talk or lecture!

When you take notes by hand, you have to pay closer attention and process the information you’re hearing. You’re also better able to identify key points and important concepts.

And that’s why taking notes by hand is much more effective for learning new things, according to researchers from Princeton University and UCLA.

It’s time take a trip to the store and go wild in the stationary section!

6) Meditate

Meditating regularly can help you concentrate better while you study, and it also improves your memory too.

When you meditate, your brain quiets down and stops processing information. So by making time for this kind of mental pause every day, you give your brain a chance to rest and come back refreshed.

Never meditated before? Don’t worry, you’ll still grab all the benefits even if you’re not experienced. Researchers found that folks who were new to meditation were able to improve their memory recall in only eight weeks. Which means the best time to start meditating is now!

You’ll find plenty of resources, apps and guided meditations on the internet to help you start meditating.

Interested in studying online?

You’ll find plenty of resources on our website and useful articles on our blog, to help you learn more about what studying at NAU Canada Online involves.

And you can always give us a call on 855.210.5641 with any questions you have!

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6 Science-Backed Tips for Better Studying