There are two things which make studying easier: music and snacks.

Since we’ve already discussed 10 delicious and beneficial snacks, here’s a round up collection of the best Spotify playlists to study to (whether you’re currently studying online or you’re still in high school).

If you need to motivate yourself to study on a day when you’re feeling down, power through your work as a deadline approaches or just need some background music for an evening of studying: we’ve got you covered! And what’s more, we’ve made our choice based on science.

Have a look through these scenarios to find the perfect playlist which matches your situation:

1. It’s time for a relaxed study session: reading, note-taking, reviewing material…

You’re ready to settle in for some study time and you need some good background music. And you’ve tried listening to your favorite songs, but you just get distracted and end up singing along.

Before you ditch your studies to chase fame on Canada’s Got Talent, try listening to one of these playlists:

1) Listening to nature sounds could improve your mood and boost your focus, found a study by researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. So trying this peaceful nature-themed playlist could help you study more effectively.

2) The folks at Spotify are good at putting together official study playlists. They’re usually relaxing-sounding but they won’t make you fall asleep.

3) A little-know genre of music which is great for studying to is video game soundtracks! Even if you’re not a gamer, you’ll still enjoy the music.

2. You need a playlist to get you pumped up so you can power through your coursework.

It’s game on: you have your laptop, you have your notes and all that’s missing is the right playlist to kickstart your coursework session…

This is not the time for peaceful nature sounds – try listening to ones of these playlists to get your blood pumping instead:

1) This upbeat playlist of electronic music could be what you’re looking for.

2) Or you can try this playlist of power-up songs, which will leave you feeling ready to conquer the world (and your coursework).

3. You’re feeling blah, and you’d rather be doing anything but studying.

Your bed looks comfortable and Netflix is calling…but you have to study. It’s a tough spot to be in, so you need the right kind of music to pull you out of your funk and boost your mood.

With that in mind, we have a couple of playlists for you to choose from:

1) You might not be able to switch on Netflix, but listening to some epic movie music could help you feel inspired.

2) Or try these classic feel-good tunes to boost your mood – if you listen to music you enjoy it could help you complete your work more quickly and come up with better ideas, according to an interview with this researcher from the University of Miami.

4. You have a really hard essay to write and you need music which will make you smarter.

No promises with this one, but desperate times call for desperate measures: listening to Mozart might boost your IQ!

After 36 Cal-Irvine students finished listening to music and took an IQ test, the group who had listened to Mozart increased their IQs by 8 to 9 points (on average) according to this study.

It’s called the “Mozart Effect” and you can try this playlist to see if it works on you:

5. You’re pulling an all-nighter to get your work done.

It happens to all of us sometimes. Good music is really the only thing which can pull you through an all-nighter… along with lots of coffee and some strategic snacking.

This playlist will get you through the night without hearing a single song twice:

And if you find yourself pulling all-nighters a little too often, you might find it useful to check out the tips in our article on How To Manage Your Time As A Student While Studying Online.

Are you thinking about studying online?

If you’re interested in learning more about studying an online degree (as undergraduate or graduate), call us on 855.210.5641 or schedule a consultation with us. We’ll answer any questions you have!